Thursday, November 19, 2009

Defined love base on this story......?

according this love story,they fall in love at first and get married.then as they get older they dont felt love unlike suddenly change.they had son and telling him about their love story then. and they fully inspired telling how it goes...but the quesstion is.....? do u think their love is gone???or they may love but the passion of love was through?HOW COULD YOU DEFINED LOVE BASE ON THIS STORY??

Defined love base on this story......?
I would have to say that there is hope but there is a lack of communication and a lack of will. I am with my husband b/c I "want" to be and he is with me b/c he "wants" to be, when things start to go dull we spruce it up by doing things we've never done or going somewhere we've never gone. We do things together to get those feeling back before they are too far out of our reach! If both parties are willing then there is all the hope in the world yet if one person is not willing or is unable then it is left up to the other person to carry the weight of both, making the job harder although it can be done, (I am talking of times of sickness or depression), unless of course the other person just really doesn't want it to work out and in this case why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you? Communicate first find out really how you both feel then go from there. Good luck!
Reply:you have to work at it

love is something that has to be cherished something that is both give and take and you need to rekindle it every now and then
Reply:wow! that was hard to understand. if they were too young tho it was probably lust and not love and yes you can outgrow it. sorry.
Reply:you try your best to make love stay, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't

same for passion, that only usually lasts 2 years or so, unless you spice it up somehow
Reply:I say they need to put the spice back in the marriage.

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