Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you love everyone?

I love Muslims because some of the greatest contributions to science and society came from them.

I love Hindus because of the kama sutra (sorry, don't know much else about the religion. There are many I'm studying but this is one point that stands out in my mind for some reason...)

I love Buddhists because they are very peaceful, have good ideas, and are generally 'good' people. They care for others and for the world.

I love atheists because they are some of the greatest scientific minds out there.

I love gay people because they are simply people and they need love too.

I love all races because it shows the great diversity and uniqueness that God gave us.

I love Pagans because they feel the awesome power inherent in nature and they care for God's creation.

Point is, through these people, God can teach us many things.

Don't hate on your neighbor... Love them and learn from them. This is the christian way.

Everyone contributes something.

Do you love everyone?
Hello =)

Yes, I love everyone, even as I love my daughter, my only child......

And this I can say truthfully now, after many many years.....

This is not to say that there aren't those who I would not scold, or be upset with, of course, as even a father can become upset with his daughter....but a father never truly becomes angry, or hateful...

You are all my children in my heart, and I love you, very very much...


Reply:*Clap* *clap* *clap*.... seriously, that was great!( And I'm not christian)
Reply:yes,and nothing more to add as you have said it all
Reply:Heh, you left out Satanists!

I agree with up to a point, there is good in everyone and you can always learn from the. But, I do not love everyone, I feel it's impossible and it cheapens love. Should you love a child rapist for example? I don't.
Reply:lol @ kamasutra as one of the greatest contributions of the Hindus : )

It's nice that you feel this way, but that love you mention seems quite abstract. I don't believe loving people is so easy.
Reply:Not love, but respect and would like to get to know, everyone. I like people in general, and give them all respect. I do this until they prove to me that they are not worthy of it. Then, I don't anymore. Race, creed, color, ideology, religion, and the lot do not matter. Give me a good enough reason to not like you, and I will not.
Reply:No...some people are impossible to love. Ethnic doesn't play a part in me loving someone.
Reply:The answer to this question for me depends on the type of love you are talking about. If you are referring to that perfect agape love where you love someone enough to do what is best for them, then the answer is yes. This type of love does not mean that I condone their sins. It means I love them enough to LOVINGLY correct them. (I did not say bash or brutal) It is not easy to love the sinner and hate the sinner, but I try.

I am after all only human and not perfect just forgiven so all I can do is try.
Reply:Yes, to some degree. Yes I do. I want the best for people, but in the end, I want the best for me. That can be were someone else wins instead. I understand this.
Reply:Thankyou %26gt; merci beaucoup " You Answered your Question" To The Best Of Eveyone,S Knowledge I Love Everyone INCLUDING YOU by all MEANS
Reply:I never thought about it that way. So in that case, I would have to say yes.
Reply:God has nothing to do it.
Reply:I agree 10,000 fold!!!! YES!!!! I love everyone!!! It's hard sometimes to love a certain person, but the're is always ways around hate!!!

I know it sounds cheesy, but I really REALLY do love all of Gods people!!

We all have only one God. We just see things differently.

Oh, by the way, I love you too!!!!!
Reply:I agree. i love everyone until they as individuals give me reason not to.
Reply:No not really. Most of everyone is a stranger to me so I wont love them or hate them.
Reply:There is nobody that I hate. Absolutely nobody. I will be honest in saying that some people are harder to love than others, but I hate no one.
Reply:It's neither possible nor realistic.
Reply:Bravo !!!

You have a healthy mind ,seeking positivity !!

Peace be with you !!
Reply:Yeah, I think I forgot to mention kids....but I think you have a serious grip on the entire God thing whatever form we take him'her in, it is about love and respect for others....I hear you and agree...completely...
Reply:I try to love everyone though it is hard sometimes. What gets me is when "Christians" spew hate towards others. I really don't think that is what Jesus would do! True Christians love and accept everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from.


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