Monday, November 16, 2009

May 1st Global Love Day?

We all know of valentines day being the day of romantic love, but now their is advocation of a day for GLOBAL LOVE a dey dedicated not for those we find easy to love but for all beings even the ones we think we hate. I call this aspiration, as many of you will know, Metta, or Loving Kindness, although it can be called altruism, or universal love.

Do you think such a day fot Global Love is neccesary? what are your views on this?

As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness/Global Love.

(((((May Love fill you)))))

Thank-you for answering

May 1st Global Love Day?
I wish every day could be love day

but its a start

((much love for the link, bro. Manapa!))
Reply:Possibly, but you should know that fighting for peace is like humping for virginity!
Reply:It can't be. It clashes with International Workers Day and Local Elections are being held in England.

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