Friday, November 13, 2009

Bible Allegory: Love(Law) one another as I have lawed you -vs- Love(Grace) one another as I have graced you?

Just as there are two trees to sort out, and two Adams to sort out, and two Enochs to sort out...

there seem to two "love one another"s to sort out:

Jesus': "love one another"... another(6th, 2nd) "law"

(Mt 19:6-22; Mt 22:36-40; John 15:2; Rom 8:2)

Christ's: "love one another as I have loved you"..."grace"

(John 13:34; 1Timothy 1:5-7)

God is love; more specifically perfect love: 1John 4

Which (law/grace) things are an allegory: Galatians 4

Love(God) one another as I have Loved(Goded) you.

Jesus: was made under the law, and of woman

Christ: is the end of the law, and of transgression

Ye are not under law(Jesus), but under grace(Christ)

Jesus: Law one another as I have lawed you

Christ: Grace one another as I have graced you

"Eternal salvation" is "through Jesus --%26gt; Christ"

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Bible Allegory: Love(Law) one another as I have lawed you -vs- Love(Grace) one another as I have graced you?
Reply:Ok, first you have to understand what part of the bible we are talking about. I think by your post you are talking about the Gospel of the Kingdom. Math, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus has not revealed Grace yet, because he had not gone to the Cross, and rose from the dead in the flesh.

If you want to know law, look in the Old Testament, and in the 4 books of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

If you are looking to learn about Grace, then look in Paul's epistles, Romans Cor, Gal, Last half of Acts, Ephesians.

I think you are like most Bible followers, very confused and putting things together that do not fit. Understand the framework of the Bible, and it will get easier for you to understand.
Reply:No, not really, as it's all fiction. I don't see a question in here, just proselytizing.
Reply:Law = death

break 1 law = death

1 sin = death

Jesus = eternal life

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