Monday, April 12, 2010

How do you manifest love? Is it made stronger in consolation of desolation? Does rejection extinguish the fire

There is a need in every human being to love and to be loved. There is also a need to manifest that love. Unfortunately, each person's concept of proving love is so varied that the recipient often misses the proof.

One person's idea of proving love is by doing things—buying gifts and being thoughtful. A husband may prove love by being a good provider and a wife by being a good cook.

All these manifestations of love entail something nice—something pleasant—something good. However, the way love is proven to us may not be to our liking and we often refuse to accept the particular way one individual proves his love.

We miss important signs of love because we refuse, consciously or unconsciously, to accept the way others prove their love for us.

What do you think?

How do you manifest love? Is it made stronger in consolation of desolation? Does rejection extinguish the fire
There are many levels of love and sometimes the difficulty can be sorting out what one is feeling. Once that is achieved the next problem is that there are so many ways to express love, and at the appropriate level. If you get that far then you must consider the fact that everyone perceives love differently. What one recognizes as an expression of love can mean something very different to another. It can be a tricky business. And yet at other times nothing need be said or done at all. Love is just understood.

All these variables can be overwhelming. Sometimes devastating. Sometimes we try too hard, other times not hard enough. Finding just the right combination can be rare indeed.

Love can burn very brightly. It can be a beacon of hope and warmth. It can also sear and destroy if not carefully monitored. Love must be managed and tended. It must be properly fueled and given sufficient space to expand. And it can be extinguished. Left alone and untended it will eventually burn out leaving only ashes and a deep scar where it once burned bright. We must be so careful with love, so careful.
Reply:I agree, miscommunication is often the center of human problems. Each man thinks his communication is obvious while another may have a hard time distinguishing what he means.
Reply:This is very true, because the ability to show and to feel love is entirely depending on personal development. Experiences that one had in the past shapes the very foundation of such ability.

Why people would miss signs of love? One of the common factors that may be able to explain that. People let themselves focus entirely on their career; hobbies; entertainments and other things that requires lot of their time, consciously or unconsciously letting these things become part of their world. So put it simply, they sunk deep into their own world, having not know the love from others. That, we must be careful.

How do I manifest love?

By keeping the commitments and promises. Since I know that I write better speak, so I would definitely leave a note or letter with my sincere feelings to whom may concerns.

Is it made stronger in consolation of desolation?

I guess love can grow stronger in a circumstance like this one. But how it made stronger? I cannot explain it in details.

Does rejection extinguish the fire?

In most cases, the 'fire' can really extinguish when being rejected. Yet, how much rejections can one take? the answers lays in the personal development; of one's past experiences.
Reply:I strongly suggest you read 'The 5 Love Languages', it's about what you just wrote: how different people display their love, how to recognise it, and how to love that person in their own love language so that they feel loved. The five love languages are gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time. There are also variations on the book, like 'The 5 Love Languages of Children' and 'The 5 Love Languages of Teens'. Enjoy!

For your question "Is love made stronger in consolation of desolation?" my answer is it depends on the love. Clay pots are made stronger and waterproof in the fire - but some have faults in them and crack instead of being made stronger.
Reply:You wrote an essay for your question! And what an essay. I give you an A.

It is in desolation that love is proven. It is in fire that silver is proven. Who wants unpurified silver? The trick: to love in desolation. We live in a world where folks don't know what love is. With out loosing who one is, but rather perfecting one self as an individual person, love is giving oneself sacrificially to another and for their good. At least, that's what I am thinking at the moment. If that definition makes sense, then by golly, so do your comments!

You write "We miss important signs of love because we refuse, consciously or unconsciously, to accept the way others prove their love for us."

In place of 'others' we can specifically place the word 'God' and the statement remains very true.

Peace be with you.


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