Friday, April 16, 2010

I love things from the past,do you?

I'm fourteen and love things from the past. I love the movie Romancing the Stone and the show The Facts of Life. I love an old, but unknown show called Marmalade Boy. I love to cry during old movies that are sad like Beaches. I love Celine Dion and The Cranberries. People think I'm weird for liking these things instead of modern things.DON'T get me wrong I watch Ugly Betty and Greek. But I do love the sense of class that older shows,movies and music had. Before filth was invented.i'm Puerto Rican nd people expect me to love raggaeton. I dont like it.And have you ever seen the stupid shows on MTV. All they do is make life look overly hard even though those people barely work. And they make hooking up with people and making out with a person you barely know accptable I especially hate thge dating shows. HELLO if they keep on breking up with the last winner and go on to make another season they'll never find love. Everyhting today is so fake and unromantic. I wish I was a teen of the 80's

I love things from the past,do you?
It's alright to enjoy the nice things we had in the past, but you must live for the future. I was fortunate to grow up in the 60's as a teen and I'm glad I was able to experience it. (From what I remember of it) Life was much more simple than it is today. Then in the late 60's the Viet Nam war broke out, which I was a part of. Much like the youth of today, they are experiencing the war in Iraq. Things do change and yet they still remain the same.
Reply:I'm with "Locked and Loaded". I was a kid in the 60s and a teen in the 70s and life *was* so very, very different (and better, really) than before computers and mass media. People were closer, life was simpler, society in general were more moral. I miss those days every day of my life. But all through my life, I've loved the WW2 era and the "atomic" era. Now, I was born in '60, so the "atomic" era was part of my life that I get nostalgic about. But I don't get why I love the 1940s so much. lol. Go figure. Maybe it's those old movies...?

In the 1980s is when everything started to change from the decent, gentler, moral world that I knew into the crap that we have today. I watched it, am living it and am pretty damned bitter about it. If you were a teen of the 80s, then you would have grown up in the 70s when it was still quite "pure" and you would have experienced this change and you would most likely feel the bitterness too. Personally, I thought the 80s were just plain *weird* was the single most "different" era I've known, but thats because the clothes, music, movies and everything had so drastically changed from what I knew or expected. Everything about life was changing/degrading so swiftly, that my head literally spun.

So if I had to choose a decade to go back to, I don't know...the 40s seemed nice, the 50s and 60s were too and I'd still have all my family and friends that have died or moved away, but the one thing I like about this era is medical technology. It's just so damned amazing what they can do for you these days.

But yes, I think about the past often and cherish those things that we don't have anymore. What a great kid you are to recognize *good* when you see it - to notice that this world has gone to hell in a hand basket! You're very perceptive! Only 14 too! Keep it up, dear...hopefully enough kids like you can grow up and change things back to the way they were and I'll be better off in my old age ;))
Reply:no i don't because i made too many mistakes

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