Friday, April 16, 2010

Question...Others fall in love with you...yet you don't love that person?

I'm past my mid 40's, was married long time now divorced for a few years and have a question regarding love.

Why do some fall in love SO SOON after meeting a person ? (. I'm aware that question could apply to women falling in love so soon also.)

I've met men who, within few weeks or few months, that they express that I'm the "one" and/or they feel love for me. Yet, I don't love them. I like them and have interest in them, yet not love them.

I've experienced this on numerous occassions over past three years. I only date one man at a time. I try to be aware of who I'm accepting dates with, what the man is about, etc. Yet, I've experienced the "I think you're the "one"...or...I love you, very early on in knowing them...weeks or few months.

I'm open to meet the right man for me, not afraid of love yet am becomming baffled at why I keep meeting men who feel that they love me yet I don't love them.

Not being decerning enough ?

Any insight would be appreciated.

Question...Others fall in love with you...yet you don't love that person?
Several reasons. For one, most people fall in love at different times. Doesn't mean you need to be in love with them when theyre in love with you, just simply say you like them but need a more time to develop those feelings. Another thing is they might be saying it to get you in bed. (yes men are scum.) Also, it might just be that you're more mature coming out of a divorce and are trying to be cautious before entering into another serious relationship. More than likely, I think its the last one. Don't worry about men telling you they love you that early, its not the first time I've seen it. Just make sure they know where you are in the relationship and let the feelings come at their own time.

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