Friday, April 16, 2010

How much love can you give and still have some left?

Does love grow stronger when it's given away?

Do you love each person in a new, special way?

Does loving more people make you better able to love?

If you love everyone you meet, does that mean that your love for your significant other isn't special?

If you love everyone, does that mean your love isn't worth anything?

How much love can you give and still have some left?
Love is infinite!

Love does grow stronger when given away because you get love back in return from the other person.

I do love each person in a new, special way, because everyone is different and can't be loved in the same way.

The more people you love, the better able you are to love because you've likely experienced loss as well and it makes you a stronger person.

If you love everyone you meet, the love for your significant other is just as strong as ever because they're your significant other. If it wasn't more special than your love for everyone else, then they wouldn't be your "significant other".

If you love everyone, your love is worth even more because it shows your a good person with a big heart!

You can also give love without "taking away" love from everyone else. But no two people can be loved in exactly the same way. Like, I love my mother in a different way than I love my sister or my boyfriend, and I love my boyfriend in a different way than I love my best friends or favorite teachers, I love my pets in a different way than other animals I meet, etc.

Love is powerful though, you can't just give it away to anyone you meet. They need to show that they're worthy of it and should be able to show you an equivelant level of love in return. But beware, the more you love, they more you're opening yourself up to being hurt when those people leave, die, move, etc. However, it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all!!
Reply:You're welcome! :-) Good luck! Report It

Reply:u can give as much love as u want it will never finish theres no end to it. u can give it to god, different ppl, and still have left for urself. how nice huh
Reply:Maybe you should pick one question and stick with it.
Reply:mann love is everyhing
Reply:This sounds like a song I never want to hear again.
Reply:love can make you a broken hearted idiot who feels real damn stupid right now, but love while it lasts is great

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