Monday, April 12, 2010

Love One Another As I Have Loved You?

This is Jesus’ last message, his last words, the last important instruction for us. This is what we are supposed to do: love one another. Notice that Jesus doesn’t say, “It sure would be nice if you loved one another.” He doesn’t say, “Perhaps you might think of loving one another.” He doesn’t say, “At least, love the people who are nice to you.” He says, “This is a new commandment I give you: Love one another.” That’s that. Instead of the ten commandments, instead of “Thou shalt not,” he says, “Thou shalt love one another.” This is the job description for the rest of our lives. This is the work before us.

So why can't people do what Jesus has told us to do?

Love One Another As I Have Loved You?
People believe in Once Saved Always Saved and thus think that they don't actually have to DO anything that Jesus said we HAD to do...
Reply:In order to love,a person has to be loved first. We love because Christ first loved us. Those who do not love, think that they have not received it. They don't know that God truly loves them. That is where you and I come in. Jesus told us to love others so that they to will be able to love and thus create a cycle of love. If we who have been loved by Him do not freely give it to others, Paying it forward, you might say, then Who will? It is THAT important that we obey this command. Jesus knew that.

Pax vobiscum, pax dominic

Simon Templar
Reply:This is not something you do, it's something you strive for.

For me, to love my family, friends and nation means that I have an obligation to put on a uniform and defend my country against the demonic savages of Islam who don't care who they murder next. I have no desire to see those pigs enter my country again to cause harm, and so I have a personal responsibility to help in diverting them away.

My hope is that all who belong to this self-destructive religion will get out while they can before they've sold their own soul so far down the river that they can't conceivably recover.
Reply:We are all sinners. I believe we Christians strive to walk the Earth as Christ did %26amp; it is not an easy road.
Reply:and he doesn't say "love your neighbor as yourself, unless he's icky" either. good one!
Reply:nobody said the Christian life is easy. even the apostle paul said that. he said (not verbatim) that i believe the reward we have in store for us far exceeds the sufferings that we are having now.
Reply:This commandment is applicable to all the people throughout the world and to the present world it is more relevant. Only LOVE is going to reign the world in coming years. Witness and realise the TRUTH.
Reply:From a purely "humanistic" perspective, I am me, you are you; we can love each other, but we will always remain distinct and separate. If I am kind to you, then it is "me" going out of my way to be kind to "you." But from the soul perspective, we are all one. Our bodies may be separate, but our souls are deeply linked, because we are all part of the one Divine source. So the kindness I show you is as natural and innate as the kindness I show myself.
Reply:there should be more people in this world like you!!
Reply:It's hard to love people who hate us. But I always try to love people not by what they do. I look for the potentially lovable person that they are and try to see them as God sees them.
Reply:Because people loves their ego much more than their love toward Jesus, leave alone toward fellow-human.
Reply:I second what Nana said, except I'd substitute the "see them as God sees them" for "see them for the unique yet beautiful human being that they are". :)

I also agree with the above poster who said that there should be more people like you in the world!

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