Monday, April 12, 2010

Love and love agin, will I succeed?

now I am in love with a girl.

She is innocent , pretty.

she likes me , too

what is special for me this time is I decided to love her.

before I dated girls for pleasure , if she couldnt give me pleasure ( emotionally and physically)anymore I instantly went for another girl.

So I was addicted to pleasure , so when the interesting girl was not around me , I felt lonely and insecure and empty.

SO I realised there must be a change . Maybe I was wrong.

Even though girl couldnt give pleasure , maybe I must wait and see.

If I decide to love , something deep can come to me.

Have you ever decided to love?

Of course my new love started not my decision it started with feelings , but to accomplish real love maybe I have to decide.

Will I get it?

Love and love agin, will I succeed?
only time will tell, but you can't go by feelings alone. Love is a choice if you chose to love her then do it with all of your heart, trust her to the point that she is human - not perfect, be open and honest and you might just get it if she really is the one.

Good luck

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