Monday, April 12, 2010

Love can be great ! BUT can also turn into a diease ?

Love can be so addictive.

We all search and long to be loved by someone specail.

The jounery towards love can be amazing, and the ride your on while in love out of this world.

However the flip side to love is the dark bottom less pit you must climb out of when you loose some one whom you've loved so dearly.

Isn't love the most addictive drug in the world, which can also turn into a diease ?

Love can be great ! BUT can also turn into a diease ?
It certainly is, there's no pain like it. why don't they prepare us as a school subject how to ride the rollercoaster of emotions which hit you when you are not prepared. You behave irrationally when generally you are sensible, you can be all softy when you consider yourself a real toughy. Yes it can 'throw' you. Don't think it's a disease, but the adrenalin high can make you take risks you normally wouldn't, and seek out the next rush preventing commitment to one person when the high fades.
Reply:being in love. and liking being in love with anyone is quite different. i don't dispute your right to experience the sort of type of love your going through, but just be sensible of it.
Reply:not as a disease as it doesnt spread..more of an illness id say.
Reply:it really depends. Love is only great when its two way. a one way love is miserable
Reply:thats a good way of describing it.
Reply:It's not a disease since ur not having pain or suffering from it. It is addictive though.
Reply:Love isn't a disease, you don't die from it, well maybe if you are Romeo and Juliet, but it can make you heart sore, especially when the other person doesn't love you back, or you lose that love through divorce or death. We would be poorer people without it.
Reply:yes ur absolutely right!..but why we keep falling inlove..........
Reply:it is really addictive but its true its only great if its two way one way love is so painful how to get out of that is the real challenge
Reply:you have been hurt

emergency dentist

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